Monday, September 30, 2013

The date with Hana - Little Pancakes

The boyf and I enjoy going to Thomson area for meals as there are many cafes and ice-cream shops along the stretch. One of my favourite cafe at Thomson area has got to be Little Pancakes because of my love for pancakes. 

As the name suggest, their pancake is way smaller than the normal pancake and their pancakes are really fluffy and soft, the way I like it. 

Little Pancakes 
200 Upper Thomson Road #01-04
Thomson Imperial Court 

The pancakes are also really affordable ranging from $8 to about $14. Our bill normally comes up to about $30 including 2 drinks.

A while ago during the September holidays, my niece came over to our place to stay for a week. We decided to bring her back to Little Pancakes and she had enjoyed the pancakes here when we brought her here a while ago back. 

She was so excited about having pancakes again and wanted to take pictures with the decals on the wall of the shop. 

And here are some of the pictures the smartypants took. 

Here's the usual that I will order, Blueberry Pancakes and it comes with either a scoop of vanilla ice-cream or cream cheese. I chose Vanilla ice-cream of course. 

And Hana's S'mores. I think she enjoyed the oreos more than the marsmallow. The marsmallow was pretty 'gelat' after just having one. 

As you can tell, we really enjoyed our pancakes! 

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