picture credits to: The Battle We Didn't Choose
I came across this webpage over the weekend, set up by a husband to document his his wife's journey against breast cancer. I have finished reading all the entries and I am deeply touched by the husband's love for the wife. I am also equally impressed by the love that they had shared for each other.
What touched me most was an entry about how they had ended each night when they found out that she had only a few more days to live. Before they end each night, they would ask each other about the best and the worse things that had happened for them that day. On that particular night, the husband asked the wife that question. She took a while to think and she said ' I loved it all'.
More often than not, it is always when we have lost something so precious to us before learning to cherish it. and sometimes, it may be too late to start cherishing it. What I have learnt from his webpage is that I need to 'learn to let go of the dumb stuff' (in the husband's words). I need to learn to ignore the little little things that my partner may do/have to irritate me. I need to learn to be more forgiving of my partner. I need to learn to love the annoying habits of my partner. Because he's not perfect, and that why I love him.
I also learnt that, yes, quarrels and arguments are inevitable in a relationships but they are also important in the growth of a relationship. Instead of letting these petty quarrels and arguments affect the relationship negatively, why not 'embrace' these opportunities of quarrels and arguments and learn from these incidents to improve the relationship.
Thank you Jennifer, Thank you Angelo for teaching me these precious lessons of life.
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