Monday, November 18, 2013

Taiwan Travelogue: Day 1 (3rd November 2013)

So our long awaited Taiwan trip was finally here. Many thanks to a colleague who had generously given me a $300 travel voucher. He fulfilled my wish of returning to Taiwan once again after our really enjoyable 2 weeks holiday in Taiwan last year!

This is us waiting anxiously for our 7am flight to Taiwan. 

Somehow, Taiwan is not as advanced as other countries like Hong Kong/Malaysia. They do not have any express trains that go to the city area from the airport. 
They only have the 国光客运 ("Guo Guang") buses to the city area, Taipei Main Station. The whole journey took about 45minutes and once you're there, it's pretty easy to navigate around and get to your hotel. 

The ticket per person cost $125TWD which is approximately S$5.

We reached our hotel, Kingshi Hotel located at Ximen at around 2pm. No pictures of the hotel as were pretty disappointed by the hotel. There was a stench of cigarette smell once we entered the hotel room. And the chamber lady informed us that there were some problems with the toilet bowl's flush. But who were we to blame, as we had wanted to save costs and thus decided on this budget hotel. We paid about $70-$80 for per night. 

Saving grace was that the hotel was conveniently located within Ximen shopping district.

By the time we reached our hotel, we both were starving as our last meal was at 6 plus am. So we immediately went to haunt for good eateries.
We settled for this as there was a queue (which would normally mean that the food is nice) and it was probably the first decent looking ramen shop that appealed to us. 

Boy, that was the worse decision we had made that day!

Enjoying some moments of camwhoring before the food was served. 

Gyoza that we ordered. This was pretty alright. Edible I would say. 

But this! 
Looked pretty appetizing right, with all the MSG soup and fatty meat. 
It was perhaps the SMELLIEST ramen I've eaten in my whole entire life. 
In the boyf's words, this bowl of noodle smelt like shit, honestly. 

No idea what they have added to the ramen, but everyone around us seemed to be enjoying their bowl of ramen except us. :( 

Haha, the sulking boy trying to force the noodle down his throat. 

After this experience, the both of us stayed away from all sorts of ramen place in Taiwan and every time we passed by any ramen shops, we are automatically reminded of the smelly ramen!

After a few more mouthfuls, we quickly made our exit and the bill came up to about $500TWD. 
Even the waiters were curious why our bowls of ramen looked untouched. 

Never returning to this ramen shop, ever again!

After the bad experience, our stomachs were still not filled and we roamed the streets of Ximen for more yummy food. 

When we were I'm Taiwan, Halloween was just over and they were promoting for one of their horror movies, thus there were many scary souls lingering around the streets. 
So, the Chinese takes their Halloween very seriously too.

We were definitely thrilled when we saw 豪大 in Ximen and immediately got one piping hot fried cutlet for ourselves.

But again, the boyf was disappointed as he felt that the first time when we ate it in Shilin, it had tasted better. 

This mega ice cream stall was just situated next to 豪大. Told myself that I wanted to try it but didn't get to try it in the end. How sad :( 


Us, in the lift of our hotel. Returning back to the hotel to wash up and rest before dinner time. 

"Bing tang hu lu" that we passed by while on our way to dinner. 

This really cute looking robot is still here! Some things don't change huh? 

I took the exact same picture (the second photo) a year and half ago when I was in Taiwan. The pose is really ugly but I think it cracks the boyf up, so it's probably worth the ugliness I've to bear. Heh heh. 

So this was where we settled our dinner. 
It's a teppanyaki restaurant located at Taipei Main Station. 
We loved this place after we ate here the first time we came to Taiwan, so we wanted to visit this place again! 

The chefs working his magic!

I can't remember the exact price per person, but it was definitely worth. The whole meal came with a lot of side dishes, desserts and a drink and it was pretty sumptuous too!
But it was probably one of the most expensive dinner we had in our 7 days.

Mine was pork.

And some seafood. 

After dinner, we roamed around Taiepei Main Station and saw many people queuing up for this! A $199 TWD Uncle Tetsu cheesecake. 

The queue!

And guess which Kiasu Singaporean went to join the queue?

Waiting excitedly for his cheesecake.

This cheesecake must have been really famous as each person is only limited to buying one cheesecake. And the cheesecakes are baked fresh, so when you get your cheesecake, it would be piping hot!

Can't see the signs properly, but on the signs, they are advising customers to keep quiet and not talk to the staff to ensure the quality of the cheesecake. (No idea how's that's linked though) but I quite pity the staff though. Wonder how it feels like to not talk to anyone the entire day!

The cheesecake!!

The boyf digging his fingers into the cake as we didn't have any utensils! Haha, how unglam. 
The cheesecake was nice, not too cheesy but I didn't think it was fantastic lehhh. 
So no idea what the hype was about. Hmm...

So that was the end of our day 1 and here's my mandatory #ootd #wiwt #lotd shot!
Kindly taken by the boyf. 

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