Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Friday Dinner Date - Korean BBQ

A few Fridays ago, the boyf brought me on a "Kiss92FM sponsored dinner date" and he brought me to my favourite Korean BBQ place. 

Arirang Korean Restaurant 
#01-07 Liang Seah Place, Liang Seah Street.
6333 0025

It would be safer if you call and make a reservation first as it gets pretty crowded during dinner time. 

The boyf goofing around before dinner.

This is their menu, and the varieties are pretty limited but their food is definitely good!

Still goofing around..... 

and around..... 

and still around. 

This is the interior of the restaurant. The restaurant is pretty small but doesn't this look like the little eateries in Hong Kong ("Cha Chan Teng"). 

Their appetizers which are refillable.

When you're there, please please order their pork! Being a non-pork eater (I always tell other people that I have half-halal.), I absolutely love their pork. The pork is so crispy and nice after bbqing. And if you are like me, one who doesn't eat the fatty part, when it comes to Arirang's pork, I LOVE IT, even the fatty parts!

We took around 1 hour for our dinner and when we were done, we were so full!
The only downside about this restaurant is that because there's always a flow of customers, the servers can get pretty busy and will often forget our orders. So you would have to keep reminding them about your orders, but the delicious food more than compensate for this. 

    and us :) 

Despite being full till the point of exploding, the boyf insisted on eating desserts. So we went to Ah Chew Desserts located next to Arirang and apparently it's pretty famous because there will always be a queue outside. We were lucky and we waited for about 10 minutes and we got a seat!

Cool menu that is inserted under the glass of the table. Cuts down the time needed for servers to bring and keep the menu and preventing damage to the menus! There were many varieties but the boring me chose Mango Sago. 

The desserts were nice but not amazing, so not sure what the hype was about. 

So that concludes our "KISS 92FM sponsored Friday Date night"!

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