Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Prengancy Journey - Week 21

I shall do a week by week post from week 21 onwards (although this is already a backdated post, since I'm at my 22nd week today).
I share on the pregnancy symptoms that I am still feeling thus far. 

This week marks the halfway mark of my pregnancy journey! Hooray.
Can't believe that we are already halfway to meeting our little boy!

This is my 21 weeks bump shot! And some people have commented on how "compact" it looks, which I do agree it's a little small. Need to remind myself to ask my gynae if this is normal on my next appointment with him!

I am still vomitting on average once a week. I've since gotten used to vomiting since the first trimester though I still hate that feeling. 
Am still abstaining from pork cos that's the number 1 thing that induces my puke. 
Still feeling giddiness occasionally but as long as I lie down and take some bedrest, I would be fine later on.

I think one of the best highlight of the week was to be able feel the kicks and rolls my little boy!
Not sure how to describe these kicks and rolls, but it's a weird feeling especially the rolls.. but it's an amazing feeling.
The kicks and rolls were also useful to help me reassure myself that the baby is fine and growing well in my tum tum!

Alright thats it for my 21 weeks update! 

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Family of 3!

It has been a few months away from blogging! I sure do miss documenting important moments of my life, so even though it has been about 4 months from the last post, I still want to come back to this space to write about my life so I can look back in the future and laugh at what I have written!

So..... what have I been up to these 4 months?

I have been upgraded! From a married woman to a mum-to-be!

We are both extremely overjoyed by the impending arrival of our little one and blessed beyond words to be given the opportunity to experience parenthood!

Just the other day during our grocery shopping, I reflected to the husband on how lucky we are to be given the chance to be parents. It is definitely not easy to conceive ("just have sex and you will be pregnant!" is a big FAT LIE!), and definitely not easy to sustain the pregnancy. Now I am praying everyday to ask the Big Man above to keep my little one healthy and growing till his EDD!

Anyway, let me share the story of how I found out about our little one. 

We have been TTC-ing (Trying To Conceive) for about 7 months already. I was charting my BBT (Basal Body Temperature) and using OPK (Ovulation Predictor Kit). But months after months, we kept getting disappointed. I always knew that we have failed that month days before my period came, because my BBT would drop and that signified that Aunt Flo was going to pay me a visit soon. 

However on 20 April, on my CD 10 (Cycle Day 10), I realised that my BBT was still fluctuating above its normal level and did not seem like it was going to decrease, but of course I did not pinned any high hopes on it since I had a few false alarms previously. 

On CD10 morning while I was preparing to work, I decided to test my urine on a pregnancy test. Do note that I was still not expecting anything at this point of time, because I knew CD10 was still too early to detect anything. But not sure why I still wanted to test. Probably because I was having these slightest hope that I might be finally pregnant, and besides I had also a few cheap pregnancy tests lying around. 

So I tested and went to bathe. The time frame to check the pregnancy test was about 10 minutes, but my usual shower took about 20 minutes. 

 I came out from my shower, dried myself and took a look at the test strip (noting that it might not be accurate because it was already over the time frame). 

I took a look and was in shock! My heart raced and looked at the test strip even harder. 
"Was that a second line?" I thought to myself. 

I stared hard and long at it and yes, it was a second line even though it was very faint. But I had read on forums before that no matter how faint the second line was, it was still a positive test, because the pregnancy hormones may not be strong enough yet. 

I immediately called out to the husband and asked him to take a look at the strip. I asked him how many lines he could see and he nonchalantly said that there was 2, but 1 faint line. My heart skipped a beat, as I realised that my eyes were not playing a trick on me, and there were indeed 2 lines. 

2 LINES. Oh my, I've been pinning for you since Sep 2015! 

This was my first test strip! The test strip that brought me so much joy. 

However, even after this first test strip, I was still not 100% confirmed that I was indeed pregnant. 
At this point of time, the husband still did not believe that I was pregnant, and just thought that maybe it was wishful thinking on my part! (haha!)

So as the days past, I tested with more reliable pregnancy test kits. I was also hoping that lines would get stronger, because that would mean that the embryo was developing, hence more hormones. I think I bought 3 boxes of Watsons pregnancy test kit and a Clearblue digital test kit. 

And yes, my watsons pregnancy test kit gave 2 lines too, and as the days passed the lines became darker and stronger. What a relief!

About 2 weeks later, I decided to test on the Clearblue digital test kit, as the digital test kit needed more hormones to be able to show if I am pregnant. As soon as the digital kit showed "Pregnant 2-3 weeks", I rushed to the bedroom to wake the husband up and showed him the kit. It was then, that he was fully convinced that we were expecting a baby!! And from then on, the husband was extremely careful in handling me for fear of hurting me and the baby. 

I was also not very convinced that I was pregnant because I did not show any signs of pregnancy symptom except being constantly hungry. Like I needed to eat something at every hour. And it was not hunger pangs that I would feel, it was like I was going through extreme hunger and needed to eat there and then! However, I did not think much of this pregnancy symptom as I just thought I was being a glutton.

Me taking a selfie with my test kit!

Waking the husband up to take a #wefie!

We made an appointment with my gynae, Dr Fong Chuan Wee to confirm the pregnancy at the 6th week. 

He took a bit of time during the ultrasound scan but he did manage to find our bundle of joy!
The embryo was too small to be seen, he was then the size of a poppy seed only and Dr Fong managed to capture the pregnancy sac which would house the baby!

Being able to see the pregnancy sac really took a huge load off my shoulder, at least for a little while, until I started worrying if the embryo would form, whether it would have a heartbeat etc. Never-ending worries, and that's only the beginning of the journey of raising a child. 

Till today, I am still feeling blessed each and every single day, and beyond honored that I was given this privilege of being a mother. I may not be the best mother in the world, but I will try my best to give my all for my child!

Bring it on, Parenthood!