Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Husband's 29th @ Alkaff Mansion

Almost a month ago, we celebrated the Husband's 29th birthday. It was his last 2X birthday, so I wanted to make it more memorable for him :)

I heard many good reviews about Alkaff Mansion and I thought it would be a good place to bring him to, because the ambience looked really romantic. The venue was initially meant to be a surprise, but I gave him too many clues about the venue and he went to googled it and found his answer. Major spoiler.

Came 6th March 2014, I was very excited the whole day about the celebration as if it was my own birthday. It was a weekday and we didn't have access to the car, biggest mistake of all. Alkaff mansion is really really really inaccessible and we walked all the way from Tiong Bahru. It was also not an easy walk there because the roads were steep, many stairs to climb and the weather did not show any mercy too.

The never ending road and one of the many steep steps that we had to climb before we got to the restaurant. 

and the steps leading to the restuarant! :) 
It was a really really beautiful sight at night, with all the blue fairy lights (just what I had imagined my wedding dinner to be like!) . But it was unfortunate that we didn't manage to take any photos with the pretty surroundings!

Not forgetting to take some #selfies to make the walk and climb more enjoyable! 

And here is the exterior of the restaurant. 

Seated inside, waiting for our dinner to be served! We really liked the ambience, because it was so quiet, so posh, and so fine-diningish, and the staff were very helpful and polite too! Totally made this experience even more perfect than it already is. 

This was our starters, which was really expensive. We paid $28 for this and we thought they would serve at least 5 of it? But, to our surprise, we each only got to eat 1, and it was also my fast time eating caviar. 

Absolutely delish! The scallop was so fresh, so QQ and the caviar didn't taste as bad as I had imagined it to be. 

Me and my lobster bisque. Was never a fan of Lobster Bisque, but this bowl got me hooked on it ever since. The Husband didn't like it very much, because it left a bitter after taste which I quite enjoyed. I felt that the after taste was not as strong after a few sips of the soup. 

My main! Seafood pasta I think. Did not disappoint again, and I finished every every single pasta and sauce on it. 

The husband's order ALL THE TIME. So resistant to change. His steak. The portion did not look very fulling but it was!

And how can I forget the desserts; Tiramisu! Which was .... okayish in my opinion.

And the surprise birthday cake, which I did not know what it was.
Before our dinner, I made an arrangements with the staff to sing him a birthday song and they came with the cake! :)

And the staff singing the birthday song to him while presenting him with the yummy cake!

He was looking so so so shy! And I enjoy teasing him about this picture because he look so gayboi_85! 

The boy and his last birthday surprise that he was so eagerly waiting for. 
He thought he would only receive a Mont Blanc belt but I was secretly preparing to buy him the iPad mini because he had always wanted to buy, but did not as he wanted to save the money! 

Was not supposed to splurge on anything because we are saving for our wedding. Now I probably have to eat grass for the next one month to pay my credit card bills. 

But it was all worth it! :) 

And us, taking the last few pictures to remember this beautiful moment that we had spent with each other. 
I hope he had enjoyed his birthday as much as I did.... and to many many more birthdays celebration together!